What are the matters needing attention in trademark registration?


(1) Legality.The bai zhi, trademark law, trademark law du and around the world, including property rights protection work dao industry Paris convention zhuan, has forbidden shu with provisions for trademark, if only use and registered in China, conforms to the provisions of the trademark law in our country, if the product will be exported to foreign countries, to use and registered trademark in a foreign country, but also comply with the provisions of the foreign trademark law.

(2) To conform to folk customs, customs and national customs.Trademarks must cater to the tastes of consumers. They should never use words or graphics as trademarks which are taboo to consumers.For example, many places in Our country avoid owls, if you use the owl trademark on the goods, then these goods in these taboo areas will certainly not sell.In addition, the more appropriate trademark in our country, to another country may not be good, because the customs of each country is not the same.Therefore, when choosing a trademark, enterprises must consider ethnic factors.

(3) The trademark shall conform to the characteristics of the goods or services to be used.Each kind of commodity, have oneself characteristic and use, so choose trademark, be about to consider these characteristic and use, lest produce undesirable effect.

(4) Originality.Originality means that the trademark design should be original and original.Originality, to produce amazing, to create an attractive trademark, and then developed into a well-known trademark.In our country many enterprises are used to choose flowers, birds and insects, landscape trees, cultural relics, animals and birds as trademarks, what dragon, Phoenix, the Great Wall, and so on, lack of innovation, can not be attractive, not as a good trademark due conditions.

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